Thursday, January 24, 2008

Consequences Of Hydroelectric Power

What are the good and bad consequences of hydroelectric power? You know what a dam is. What happens because of one?

What are the problems of a dam? For one thing, many fish are killed trying to get through the turbines and going through the turbines makes the water very hot. With the dam being there, areas beyond the dam have very low water supply and behind the dam they’re often floods.

According to the world they’re many different consequences. Some like there is no pollution, water is renewable however the water of a dam rises or lowers at unexpected times.

A bit of information on the history of water power…
The biggest water power dam is 400 meters from the Niagara Falls
The first power plant was made in 1882.


Consequences Of Hydroelectric Power

What are the good and bad consequences of hydroelectric power? You know what a dam is. What happens because of one?

What are the problems of a dam? For one thing, many fish are killed trying to get through the turbines and going through the turbines makes the water very hot. With the dam being there, areas beyond the dam have very low water supply and behind the dam they’re often floods.
According to the world they’re many different consequences. Some like there is no pollution, water is renewable however the water of a dam rises or lowers at unexpected times.

A bit of information on the history of water power…
The biggest water power dam is 400 meters from the Niagara Falls
The first power plant was made in 1882. .


Wednesday, January 23, 2008



Dams were built more than 5000 years ago. It was only built by workers or constructors.

When a dam is there in a stream, one side of the water will be very full and there is a lot of space in the next side. And there will be a lot of pressure from the water and it will go faster and faster with lots and lots of pressure and then when the dam opens, the turbine spins very fast. And all the water will go to the other side and there will be no overflowing going on. A dam is a structure that blocks the flow of a river.

Some dams divert pipeline, canal or a channel. Others aise the level of inland. Waterways to make them navigable by ships and barges. Many dams harness the energy of falling water to generate electric power.

Dams also hold water for drinking and crop irrigation and provide flood control. The oldest known human-being made dams were built more than 5000 years ago in arid parts of the Middle East to divent river water to irrigate crops.

Many modern dams serve 2 or more purposes. For example the TVA designed and built dams along the Tennessee River and its tributaries to provide flood control, generate electric power, and control river levels to permit years round navigation.

A dam can block any flooding which is going on only in waterways. And it can also be changed into drinking water.

Dam the Dams?!

Is It What We Think It Is?

Many people are stuck on the opinion that dams don’t harm the environment. There all wrong. If there’s one thing a dam does is destroy the life of the river. In this article I’m going to inform you all about the effects of a dam and how it is created.
The first thing you do when you when you want to build a dam is creating a diversion with a non-permanent dam called the cofferdam. The trick is to not take too long for the construction of the real dam or the river dries up and all life is starved downstream.
When the dam is finally built we start construction on heated gates and fish ladders. These are extremely important because first of all when water flows through a dam it is usually colder than it once was when there wasn’t a dam in the river.
This is why we use heated gates or else the life downstream can’t adapt to the change of temperature and freeze.
The reason we use fish ladders is for migratory (traveling fish like salmon. Some times when traveling upstream they bang into to dams and they can’t mate. In fact a very large percentage of salmon is cut every year because of dams.
Fish ladders are imitations of water drop-offs that fish usually jump over to get to their mating grounds. Dams also stop the flow of nutrients downstream which can starve the organisms in the river so we are very lucky to have solutions for these problems.

“Holland…lies so low they’re only saved by being dammed”-Thomas Hood

Dams can be used for flood control, power, deepening water for ships, irrigation and for clean drinking water. In fact some of the first dams were built before Christ .The hydroelectric dam works by letting water flow through a tunnel and then turns the turbine.
The water exits through gates at the front of the dam much cooler than when it entered the dam. Dams generate a lot of electricity and are very useful. Big dams like the Grand Coulee Dam make enough electricity to power entire cities!
I think this is important because dams create so much electricity and can be used to save the world from Global Warming…


Dams Holding Energy

Dams are very useful for making hydroelectric power but also have negative effects toward our underwater environment and flood lands.

At a hydroelectric power plant, reservoirs are created by the dams to hold the water which is guided to the generator turbine which when water goes through it creates electricity. When the water power pushes the turbine faster the more electricity is created.

Lots of good effects come from hydroelectricity like how it is the cleanest and most environmentally friendly than all the other energy’s. No harmful gases are produced because this energy does not involve the usage of fuel and 1/5of the globes electricity is from hydroelectric energy. Norway, for example is a country where almost all of their electricity is hydroelectric.

Even though it is the most environmentally friendly, hydroelectricity still have negative effects. Dams hold back the water on one side while the other side’s depth decreases and the water temperature does too. Since the water is not high enough to get heated by the sun, all the under water creatures who are used to warm temperature die. One kind of fish is usually killed by dams and that is salmon. Salmon swim up rivers, jumping on rocks to get to a higher place. When the salmon reach the dam it bumps it to the wall and gets killed by not being able to move forward upstream. Dams also prevent the flow of nutrients, starving the eco-systems down stream. The construction of hydroelectric plants means that usually the area of land is flooded.

There are lots of ways we can make hydroelectricity more environment friendly then it already. When the depth and temperature is decreasing you could release
heated water into the lake so that the underwater creatures live and the water could get high enough to get heated by the sun. For the salmon you could build fish ladders. Fish ladders are like stairs for the salmon with holes filled with water and since salmon jump from rock to rock, they can jump from one stair to the next.

Now that we know what hydroelectricity can do to our environment, we should all be trying to make it more environmentally friendly.

Reported by Yasmeen Jameson

Is water energy special to us?

Once the dam is built, the energy is virtually free, no wasted or polluted. Hydroelectric power stations can increase to full power very quickly unlike the other powers, and we use it every day life. It’s reliable than wind, solar, or wave power.
But dams are very expensive to build, (especially the big ones) and it affects the animals when people builds dam. Pollution happens when chemicals harmful to living things get into the environment. After, the dam’s built, there’s no pollution& wasting happens.
Secondly, Hydroelectric is fastest- producing power, hydro electric power stations can increase to full power very quickly unlikely the other powers, so we use it the most of the time
We use hydroelectric power like everyday life think of it. At your home, school, dad’s office etc. I hope we don’t waste it. All we can do is turn of the lights when you don’t use it, and if it’s bright enough, just don’t turn it off.
If in the future, Earth gets warmer and warmer, we will not have enough water to produce electricity, so we should not pollute the water source/ power.
By: Joon Hyuk

Interesting consequences of hydroelectric power!

Did you know that there are so many consequences of hydroelectric power? This article is about different consequences of water power.
Here are some of the consequences of hydroelectric power:
In 1993 hydroelectric power provided 15% of the world’s electricity filling 6% of the world’s energy needs.
Hydroelectric Power serves enough water for more than 1.3 billion people.
It affects marine life because it freezes fish because the water is too cold.
Sometimes fish called salmons bump into dams and dye while they are migrating
Hydroelectric power provides clean and fresh water for us human beings
Aren’t these so interesting? One of the most interesting things about this is when it was made. A few people say it started by Greeks 2000 years. Other people say it was Benhard Forest de Belidor in 1883.
Hydroelectric energy also called water power is used all around the world. You will see it be used anywhere for example office, school, home, malls and supermarkets. In the future the rivers might dry out because of global warming and if that happens there would be less electricity. So I request you all not to pollute and harm the environment.
Water power is important as it provides water to animals and people which help living. If hydroelectric power wouldn’t be there then there will be many people dying in the world as the water would not be healthy.
Reporter: Sachi Parekh
